Our History
Tom & Bill Cantor got their start in the battery industry working for their father John at Gould National Battery, repairing forklift batteries during the summer. After college and separate careers, Tom & Bill rejoined their father to produce automated load banks and provide testing and evaluation services. TPI has grown and is now the world’s leading provider of independent electrical testing services.
Tom Cantor
Tom Cantor is the President of TPI. He earned his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire, and has more than 30 years of experience in the battery industry.
Jeff Cantor
Jeff Cantor is our Project Engineering Manager. He graduated with a BS degree in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University, and joined TPI in 2002. Jeff manages all commissioning projects as a Professional Engineer, and is also a LEED Green Associate.
Bill Cantor
Bill Cantor is the Vice President of Technology, and has a BS Chemical Engineering degree from Penn State as well as an MS in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins. He has been the chair of the IEEE 1188 Working Group since 1995, and has more than 25 years of experience in the battery industry.
John Stevens
John Stevens is Operations Manager for TPI. He has earned a BS degree in Economics/Finance from West Chester University. John has 25 years of experience in management, including 15 years in the battery industry.
Phil Zakielarz
Phil Zakielarz joined TPI in 2009 after graduating from MIT with a BS in Electrical Engineering. He is currently the Engineering Manager and oversees the projects in TPI’s test lab.