Since 1984, TPI has provided independent testing, engineering, consulting, and commissioning services for standby power systems in the telecommunications, utility, and financial industries.
Our independence is at the core of who we are. TPI does not sell any products, represent any manufacturers, or provide installation services. This allows us to provide independent and unbiased services.

TPI has been providing services to the standby power industry for more than 30 years. TPI engineers are involved in national and international conferences and have presented a number of papers at international industry conferences. TPI has an engineer on staff who is a member of the IEEE PES Stationary Battery Committee which is responsible for standards on installation, maintenance and testing of batteries. TPI is up-to-date on current and proposed standards and methods of testing and evaluation.
Our equipment and procedures have been developed over the years to provide detailed evaluation/analysis/tests under controlled conditions to minimize risk to the system while identifying conditions that can affect system reliability.